Surfers Get Lean and Get Fit

surfers get lean and fit

Surfers Get Lean and Get Fit to support their surfing progress. Professional surfers want to be lighter and have lean muscle. They often spend more time out of the water cross training than in the water surfing.

Getting surf fit is excellent for most athletic and recreational endeavors. People who learn to surf say they see why surfers are lean. It is a lot of exercise. It is full body exercise. The paddling is the most tiring and requires strength and stamina.

The Essentials of Getting Lean and Fit

Getting lean is a process that can be gained with patience and persistence. Losing weight and getting fit requires discipline and consistency. There needs to be a strong “why” to keep one engaged when the going gets tough.

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Losing weight, of course, requires negative calorie balances each day. A second important criteria is eating foods that are non-inflammatory. Inflammatory foods will cause weight gain regardless of the calories. A third important criteria is not having insulin resistance. Insulin resistance can cause weight gain regardless of the calories.

Most popular diets feature healthy foods and eliminate sugars, white flours, and harmful oils. Eating whole foods provides the body with foods it will utilize and not encapsulate in fat. That is the main feature of a healthy diet. All diets will work if you stick to them.

Diets differ on their perception of which macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, fat) to emphasize. The Keto and Atkins diets believe in more protein and fat and less carbohydrates. Other diets balance out the macronutrients but usually have a target of the percentages they want to include.

Exercise is about movement and strength (muscle) building. Movement and muscle building condition the muscles to absorb glucose. Glucose is the converted result of carbohydrates and the first fuel for muscles. When the muscles absorb glucose, glucose does not get transported to fat.

The second goal of exercise for getting lean is to utilize fat for fuel. This is accomplished with long duration low intensity exercise. After the muscles have burned through the glucose, it will look for fat. After fat it will burn muscle. It is important to supply the body with enough protein so it will not resort to muscle for fuel and recovery.

Additional Methods for Getting Lean

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Weightlifters want to build muscle and get lean while eating enough nutrients to supply muscles with fuel and recovery. They will eat a lot of protein and engage in intermittent fasting. The protein increases the metabolism in digestion. The intermittent fasting allows the digestion to rest and the body to use energy to repair.

Losing weight is supported by copious amounts of water consumption. Consuming have your body weight in water ounces (200-pound person drinks 100 oz of water) is a start. You should try to get over 100 oz and close to a gallon a day.

Getting adequate sleep is important. The body repairs during sleep and will burn fat. Inadequate sleep results in cortisol production which leads most people to seeking sugar and overeating to compensate for feeling sluggish.

Supplements can be complimentary. There are so many superfoods that energize and cleanse. Superfoods have vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, protein, omegas, and healthy fats. These are all necessary for optimum health and performance.

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Get a perfect start with more information in my Free E-Book The 3 Week Plan. It will get you started and hopefully to the point of self-monitoring in which you are motivated to pursue the right habits and drop the harmful ones.

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