Start Now with Getting Fit

start now with getting fit

We often are aware that we are putting on weight and delaying the day we put on our running shoes. Start Now with Getting Fit. The intention of improving who you are can start the dopamine flowing.

Happiness brain chemicals are Nature’s little inducement to become better. Nature’s grand plan is each generation becomes stronger. Improvement does register in our genes and they can change over time for the better or worse. Longevity is a body working well. Cancer is a body neglected.

Our Body is Always Keeping Score

The constant thoughts of delaying healthy eating and exercise are not gone unnoticed. The body has a high tolerance for abuse. Then it breaks. It can break down physically in our joints, muscles, organs, skin, brain, heart, circulation, hormones, glands, and cells.

We have little appreciation for the complexity of the human genome and the billions of years that various systems including our brain have slowly been evolving to its current perfection. But it isn’t perfect. It can’t always correct mistreatment.

How much time and money do crews spend getting a Formula 1 car ready for the track? They are a high performing precise piece of equipment that can come undone with the slightest malfunction. Your brain is far more complex that a Formula 1 car and performs tasks that make it perhaps the most exciting piece of equipment in the Universe.

The Brain is Your Life

Little things can affect how the brain performs. Sugar is terrible for the brain. We ingest sugar in our pastries, sodas, snacks, packaged goods, alcohol, desserts and even excess healthy carbohydrates. Too much sugar, usually as carbohydrates, kill the beta cells in the pancreas and when the cells start rejecting over production of insulin used to balance the sugar in our blood we get diabetes. Diabetes can blind us and cause us to lose limbs and create dementia.

The wheels can fall off the cart so many other ways. When the cardiovascular system becomes overloaded with plaque in the cell linings our heart can stop or we cut off the blood to the brain and stroke out, paralyzing us. Life can go on merrily and then the fun stops.

This is the day to start monitoring what you eat and how much you move. Both are crucial and critical to keep your motor running. Don’t delay. Your life depends on it.

Get more guidance in my book The 3 Week Plan to create a perfect start that can be continued until you reach your goals.

Read The 3 Week Plan for more details on getting a surf fit program initiated or the book Get Surf Fit.

For Surf Lessons in Oceanside

See the website Get Fit to Surf

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For fun, see my new website Markap Health and Lifestyle

Get the Perfect Start on a Weight Reduction and Fitness Program in my book The 3 Week Plan

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To get 3 books in 1, see the Surfing Trilogy which includes The 3 Week Plan, Get Fit to Surf, and the Learn to Surf Guide in E-Book for $6.99 on Amazon

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See my New Book Self-Leadership, The Most Important Choices You Can Make. Follow the guide of how to make your life more productive, purposeful, meaningful, and happy with the right thoughts, intentions, and behaviors.

Now available in E-Book on Amazon for $2.99.

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