Perfect Start to Losing Weight

lose weight build fitness

The Perfect Start to Losing Weight and Getting Fit can begin the path to long term success with weight target goals. Most people now have a target weight they would like to achieve. It is often a dream rather than a commitment.

What keeps people from starting? Past failures. Fear of suffering. Belief nothing will work. Thinking they won’t stick with a regimen. No desire to eliminate favorite addictions. No desire to exercise. Too many theories of how to do it are confusing.

All of these are realistic evaluations. It is like starting any new venture. What if business start-ups had the same perspectives? This will be tough. No one knows who we are. There are too many obstacles. What if no one buys our products or services? Too much competition.

Can you see the whole economic momentum of the global economy griding to a halt if no one could face their fears? Why won’t we face our fears in creating a new healthy lifestyle that could make life wonderful? Think about being lighter, looking great in clothes, receiving complements, feeling wonderful each morning, having more energy, engaging in more recreations, dropping medications, attracting more interest from social contacts, being a model of discipline, having high self-esteem.

Taking the Right First Steps

A long-term weight loss-get fit program has lots of moving parts. Think of a football team. With 11 players, each one has a function. The coach has to recruit and optimize the production/function of each individual. Coaches are always looking for better players to improve each function. So goes it with a long-term weight loss-get fit plan.

You start with a few steps. You increase the number of steps as you gain momentum. You keep improving your behaviors as time passes. You have patience. You have consistency. You believe you can do it. You look for support. You keep learning.

Yes. The right frame of mind is an important first step. You have to want to do it. You have to have a meaningful reason why. In a football game, one team often comes out more willing to play than the other team. It can make all the difference and why there are upsets and why the underdogs are often a great bet. You have to ask yourself, can you do it?

The second step is taking a few trial tests to see if you are committed. Why do most sale programs these days start out with trials? They want to give you the opportunity to get engaged. That is the secret. If you get engaged, the chances of you continuing when you have some success and develop some COMFORT, with the program are increased. The mind will work with comfort.

Taking the Right Second Steps

What can you begin to become engaged and comfortable? This is not saying losing weight and getting fit are going to be easy. It is saying that once you become engaged, there may be no obstacle you cannot overcome. Nothing succeeds like passion. Can you get engaged to the point it becomes a passion? Probably not until you have some success.

There are lots of moving parts in losing weight and getting fit. Like a football team that wants to build for a championship. Where do you start? Some teams say we need a good quarterback and others might say we need a good defensive end to rush the passer. A team needs everyone.

What do you need in a weight loss and fitness program? Lots of things. One easy process is to begin thinking about your eating habits. Maybe take a week just to observe what you consume, when, and why. This is huge. Without engaging in any new habits, you start evaluating what you do now.

Do you only eat when you are hungry? This is huge. Do you only eat what you like? Do you know when you are full? Do you have some sugary addictions or white flour addictions (pastries, pizza, cookies)? Are your environments loaded with bad temptations (refrigerator, panty, office, coffee shop, fast food restaurants in your path, parties, family gatherings, other people who don’t care about what they eat)? Good. You are thinking.

You have taken a good first step. At the end of a week from observing and maybe journaling (better) what you eat, you should have some realizations. Now it’s time to tackle one of the steps that could improve future performance. Like starting your team with a tackle (player position in case you don’t know football, sorry).

What are some things you could do to begin? Maybe we do one or two for the next week.

  1. Drink more water. You should begin drinking at least have your body weight in water ounces (200- pound person drinks 100 oz of water). Try to drink 100 oz and then a gallon. This alone should cause weight loss.
  2. No carbohydrate foods after dinner unless it is a low glycemic (low sugar content or offsetting fiber, like berries) food like blueberries.
  3. Find a substitute for sugary addictions. I used to indulge in ice cream after dinner. For a cure, I ate Snickers bars instead. Not good, but it broke the ice cream craving and then I move to granola bars.
  4. Start taking non fruit or vegetable carbohydrate foods out of your diet (bread, pastries, pizza, white flour cereals, white rice, desserts, sugary drinks, alcohol, packaged foods with sugar added). Start substituting with protein. Protein can be lean, and it can be plant based. Protein is filling whereas carbohydrates cause sugar spikes and then more appetite.
  5. Add a few vegetables to your diet. Dark leafy greens (kale, spinach), peppers, celery, zucchini, tomatoes, broccoli, mushrooms, avocado).
  6. Add a low glycemic fruit as a snack (apple, peach, plum, berries, mango).
  7. Start moving. Take a short walk. Ride a bike, Go for a swim. Climb some stairs. Get on a treadmill. Go for a hike. Park farther away from store entrances.
  8. Buy a digital scale and start weighing yourself every morning. Write it down.

Taking the Third Steps to Losing Weight and Getting Fit

You have now embarked on two weeks of baby steps. You are assembling your championship team. It is time to add some more steps. How tough has it been so far? Have you lost any weight? Are you comfortable with the measures you have taken? Are you happy with any of the improvements you have made? Are you ready to add some more team members for the 3rd week?

  1. Progress can be easy. Go back to the second steps and start adding one at a time until you have them all. Maybe it takes a year. Hopefully, you can do it sooner. I once lost 50 pounds over 4 years. I was happy with my new habits. I became more engaged as time passed. I became more adept at following habits because my mind signed on and stopped sabotaging my efforts.
  2. Start adding more exercise. Exercise falls into two main categories; muscle building and aerobics. Aerobics build muscle, but I am talking about floor exercise and weights, cables, or machines. Muscles absorb glucose which keeps carbs from going to fat. Exercise speeds up your metabolic rate so you burn calories while you sleep.
  3. Eat only when you are hungry. Only eat what you like. Find low sugar snacks. Add protein. Drink lots of water. Keep moving.

At this point you should be on your way to reach your weight target goals. This should be a lifetime endeavor. You will be getting healthier every week. At the end of the year, you will have made great progress. At the end of 5-years you will be a physical specimen. You will enjoy more recreations, feeling great, looking good, wearing smaller sizes, attracting more attention and having greater self-esteem.

The point I always enjoyed was learning to have discipline meant I could point it toward any goal I wanted to achieve. Life becomes richer with more goals to work on. There is also an added bonus as you find you will become more spiritual as you make progress. You start to realize how Nature wanted you to live.

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Get Coaching to get you started. I have a 3 Week Plan coaching platform to help you get on the path, overcome obstacles, encourage, and help you become self-monitoring. want it.

I you are a local to Oceanside and want to learn to surf, I have a Surf Lesson and Coaching program to offer lessons and health coaching at the same time.

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See Coaching for Weight Loss and Building Fitness. I suggest you read The 3 Week Plan. It is a no fail plan if you stick to it.

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