Overcoming Barriers to Losing Weight

overcoming barriers to losing weight

Losing weight is one of the more difficult enterprises we encounter and have to learn how to Overcome the Barriers to Losing Weight. First we have to realize the brain is against us. It does not want to let go of fat.

Our brain has been evolving for 3 billion years. Yes, scientists have found that the brain in simple life forms has not changed its duties since the beginning. It has been charged with consuming and preserving vitality for reproduction.

How the Brain Fights Weight Loss

When we want to lose weight, the various centers of the amygdala fight the realization of a negative calorie balance. More than the desire to hang onto fat stores, it sends messages to you that you are hungry and maybe that you are starving.

Secondly, as you lose weight, the metabolism slows down and starves services to the body to preserve fat stores. It thinks you are early man and calories are difficult to find. In dramatic weight loss, we often hit plateaus because the metabolism won’t allow more weight loss.

Thirdly, we have to fight our own addictions and habits. If we are in the habit of reaching for the convenient and the most calorie dense foods, we are playing to the brain’s messages. “Oh good calories, eat a lot.” We have to reverse this. We have to eat low density calorie foods that often we have to prepare. We have to rid our house, office, and car of easy to reach dense calorie foods.

Begin Selecting the Right Foods

What are the dense calories foods? Pastries, pasta, sodas, sugar snacks, pizza, alcohol, ice cream and so on. What are low calorie dense foods? Greens, fruits, vegetables ( carrots, zucchini, peppers, cucumbers,) fish and chicken. We can eat these in salads, soups, raw, or cooked.

As we are successful in eating lower calorie foods the brain centers begin to support us. We reset our brain’s marker stating we need high calorie foods. We lose appetite. Our brain loses interest in the foods we are selecting and we are satiated quicker. We lose our cravings. We can get through the plateaus.

The most difficult part is getting started and sticking to our plan in the early rough times. We will know hunger at the beginning, but that is our brain trying to induce us to eat, not our body. We can live fine on negative calories for a long time. Eventually we start feeling the pleasure of being lighter, having more energy, fitting in our clothes, and receiving complements.

Get more guidance in my book The 3 Week Plan to create a perfect start that can be continued until you reach your goals.

Read The 3 Week Plan for more details on getting a surf fit program initiated or the book Get Surf Fit.

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See the website Get Fit to Surf

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Get the Perfect Start on a Weight Reduction and Fitness Program in my book The 3 Week Plan

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To get 3 books in 1, see the Surfing Trilogy which includes The 3 Week Plan, Get Fit to Surf, and the Learn to Surf Guide in E-Book for $6.99 on Amazon

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See my New Book Self-Leadership, The Most Important Choices You Can Make. Follow the guide of how to make your life more productive, purposeful, meaningful, and happy with the right thoughts, intentions, and behaviors.

Now available in E-Book on Amazon for $2.99.

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