Do You Have the Discipline to Achieve Goals?

lose weight get fit

Weight loss and Getting Stronger certainly begs the question Do You Have the Discipline to Achieve Goals? One of the benefits I enjoyed in my weight loss routines was the discipline I created was transferable to other goals.

Discipline is the will power to overcome the mind’s relentless efforts to sabotage change. When you want to eat healthy foods and drop the harmful foods, your mind resists. When you set a goal to leave the house for aerobics, your mind says you are too tired.

Wim Hoff is well known for his cold-water exploits where he sits in a tub of ice and swims underwater in freezing conditions. He suggests taking a cold shower every morning. Other than being good for you, it conditions you to doing something you don’t want to do.

Getting started on losing weight and getting fit is not something the mind welcomes. You have to have a strong reason why. This reason will pull you through the mind’s resistance and develop your discipline and will power.

The beauty of getting engaged and making progress is that the body starts to acclimate to the strain or the new conditions and rewarding you with good feelings. The body is meant to consume nourishing foods and exercise. The more you engage, the better you feel.

This is why people become health fanatics and develop a passion for feeling good. As you progress, you are testing what works. Losing weight is the discipline of eliminating bad foods. Getting fit is the discipline of adding intensity to work outs through duration, speed, and less time in between intervals for rest.

Starting Your Rewarding Routines

aerobic fitness

The difficult part is always to get started. The second difficult part is to continue when the mind says you don’t want to. The third difficulty is getting back on track when you have fallen off course. This is a good reason for a coach.

As a Health Coach and Personal Trainer I know our job is to get people motivated, get them on an action plan, and then help them reach the point they are self-monitoring. At the point of self-monitoring, they have accepted the benefits of their routines and don’t have to be coached to continue.

The final difficulty of Coaching is helping people who relapse. At a point, many people decide they have had enough. They resist the discipline. They want to go back to old ways. After hitting a weight loss goal, it is difficult to maintain the weight without great discipline.

The point is to start. Develop routines that become enjoyable. Develop a passion for the pursuit as the benefits increase. Make weight loss and fitness priorities. Create the time and don’t let responsibilities curtail your efforts toward health. Health in the long run will make you more productive.

Analyzing Your Environment

Start losing weight by analyzing your consumption habits. When do you eat? Are you always hungry when you eat? Do you eat only foods you enjoy or will you eat anything? Do you have emotional or boredom triggers that cause mindless eating? Do you have healthy foods in your environment or are there too many unhealthy temptations?

What are the difficulties with starting your exercising routines? Is there a time shortage? Do lack support of the people in your circles? Do you not know what to do? Does your mind sabotage your desire to change?

Start with the minimum to get moving. Ten-minute walks are a good start. Build to a half hour and then an hour 5 days a week. It will become routine, easy, and enjoyable. You want to get to the point it is a priority. What is your health worth? Diseases and chronic illnesses are very inconvenient, and they dominate your day more than any of your productive activities.

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Plan your behaviors. Start to plan your meals. Start to plan your exercise. You can lose weight and build strength, flexibility, and aerobic fitness at the same time. It will be a new you. Get a perfect start combining these behaviors with reading the Free E-Book The 3 Week Plan. The idea is to get your behaviors into routine so that health becomes your mode of operation.

Sign up for a Weekly Newsletter that will provide tips and successful strategies for weight loss and fitness.

See Coaching for Weight Loss and Building Fitness. I suggest you read The 3 Week Plan. It is a no fail plan if you stick to it.

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