Coaching for Perfection


In this pandemic era, my new surf students wanting to improve frequently have to lose weight, build strength, flexibility, and aerobic stamina. I designed this program so they could do all at once and take another lesson three weeks after the first.

The plan is very adaptable to everyone who wants to lose weight and build strength and fitness for a more enjoyable life. Losing weight and being fit makes every day more enjoyable. Better health is also immunity in these scary times. 

Surfing is a full body sport and so is life. If we want to enjoy recreation, we want to be strong and flexible so we don’t get hurt. If we want to be healthy, it has to be comprehensive because the body is a complicated interconnecting network of many systems. 

As an Ace Certified Health Coach, Personal Trainer, Surf Instructor and Daily Exerciser, I know the necessities of good health for vitality. We want more energy, recreation capabilities, and immunity from common flus and chronic diseases. 

I personally have just lost 15- pounds of pandemic weight gain and decided to lose another 25 just to experience a weight I have not known as an adult. I went from 200-pounds to 160 pounds. It is wonderful. I know how to do it. I suggest the quicker way with my personal diet plan and a more relaxed way using the meal plans. 

Losing weight and building strength is the ideal formula for improving a lifestyle that can include any recreation, better health, improved self-esteem, good looks, and longer life.

I begin with questions and send you forms for us to discuss and evaluate. I suggest you read the Free E-Book The 3 Week Plan or buy it in paperback so we can discuss the strategy that appeals to you.

We will evaluate where you are and your goal. I will suggest the plan to achieve your goal and then offer to keep you accountable with weekly call sessions.   Plus, everyone needs encouragement and support when engaging in personally challenging work. 

Start with a Good Nutrition Plan

great nutrition

My plan for losing weight was an accelerated strategy to lose weight quickly. My goal was to lose a half to one pound a day. I achieved this frequently, but had to fight the metabolisms resistance creating frequent plateaus. 

I lost 25 pounds within three months and then set a another goal to lose 15 more pounds. Each time we reach a plateau, we have to modify our strategy. Excessive exercise is not necessary. Moderate exercise is adequate. 

I also know that many people need to move at a slower pace to fight their addictions and resistance. I have incorporated a service that offers customized and more moderate meal plans in This service considers your goals and offers meals, weekly shopping lists, and daily reminders and tips. 

My Coaching students get this plan included Free. 

Develop a Strength Building Strategy

Strength is important for a quality lifestyle to create muscle and stimulate health processes necessary for optimizing our vitality. My program promotes Weight Loss, Strength Building, Flexibility, and Aerobic Fitness

Numerous health problems arise when we are sedentary and allow muscles to atrophy. Building and maintaining muscle supports our metabolism and prevents carbohydrates from being transported to fat stores. 

The first step is to get moving. We start building aerobic capacity which then leads to building muscle stamina. The body needs to create receptors in our cells to absorb glucose and muscle building nutrients. If we have been sedentary, the receptors have largely disappeared. This can lead to diseases such as diabetes. 

I guide clients through the four phases of muscle building. Not everyone needs to be a competitor or reach extremes. A moderate program can help achieve any weight goal. 

Then there are four phases of Aerobic fitness. Many can pause in phase two which is adequate for running a 10K. The next two phases are for more serious events and competition.

building surfing fitness

Flexibility is Important for all Recreation

flexibility is essential

We often forget the value of flexibility. It keeps us from being injured with every day practices. It makes us more competent when we have recreational goals. 

Flexibility is crucial for surfing and valuable for most other recreational endeavors. It’s nice to feel comfortable bending and lifting in everyday practices and not worrying about throwing out your back.

For those learning to surf, flexibility is key to the pop up. Our muscles and joints must work smoothly together. Flexibility must be in the spine, hamstrings, buttocks, and lower back. 


Aerobic Fitness Accelerates Progress

Aerobic fitness blends all the body’s systems to optimize health and athletic prowess. It builds circulation, heart, lungs, and stimulates the brain. It relaxes our nervous system and lowers blood pressure and blood sugar levels. 

Combined with a healthy diet, exercise accelerates weight losst. It also helps maintain our target weight once we have reached our goal. For many, exercise becomes a lifestyle and passion. It becomes our identity. 

In our Coaching program, we start gradually for those who have been sedentary and increase intensity with time. Everyone has their own pace, but consistently exercising is important for all goals. 


fight metabolism to lose weight

Choose Your Coaching Plan

The 3 Week Plan

The Two Month Plan

The Three Month Plan

This is the basic coaching package to help you start the quality routines that will lead you to your target weight. 

We start with a first call to discover your current habits of consumption and exercise.

We discuss a starting point in which you improve consumption, break addictions, and start routines of strength building, gaining flexibility, and starting an aerobic plan. 

To the extent you are already engaged in some good habits, we can build on those capabilities to improve. 

We have a weekly call to monitor progress. If you are utilizing the included diet plan, we will monitor how you are progressing. 

The objective is to set good routines in a 3 week period that show results, encourage you to continue, work with resistance, and support your efforts to reach your goals. 

The price of the Three Week Plan includes an additional week as a bonus and includes the meal plan.  $99

Some people move quickly to self-monitoring and some want or need additional support. 

A person beginning an improved diet and new exercise program may face a lot of resistance from their mind. 

Working into helpful eating routines may take time. Not everyone can plunge right into calorie restriction. Sometimes it takes a slower process of assessing how we eat, adding good foods one at a time, and eliminating addictions. 

Exercise routines often have to be developed from slowly engaging in aerobics and slowly engaging in strength building so we don’t get injured and don’t quit. 

Weekly calls continue and monitoring progress continues. We often have to fight resistance points and find work arounds. 

We sometimes have to get back on track when we have fallen out of routines. 

The price of the 2 month coaching plan including meal plan is $199. 

The more weight a person wants to lose and the more support they need to move from a sedentary lifestyle to an active one may take time. 

Many people like to be coached and have someone who cares about what they are doing and is there to listen and support. 

We don’t always have supportive circles to encourage our progress or assist when we hit road blocks. 

We may have tried to improve in the past and relapsed because of a lack of support. 

Continued coaching supports the need to move slow and be held accountable each week for progress. 

Weekly calls are for listening, suggesting, and encouraging. It is permissable if the goals take a year or two. 

The first steps are important and valuable. 

The price of the 3 month coaching plan including meal plan is $299. 

Call, Email, or Text Me After Payment to Set Up Coaching Calls and Program Initiation

Call 1-760-696-7149. PST CA. 

Email at

Text at Phone Number 760-696-7149