How to Get Fit

Many people learning to surf have been sedentary and find that surfing is an uphill battle. They have questions about How to Get Fit. Fitness is a whole body effort. What is fitness? First, a person should be a normal weight. This is both for recreation capabilities, ease on organs and joints, and less strain…

Start Now with Getting Fit

We often are aware that we are putting on weight and delaying the day we put on our running shoes. Start Now with Getting Fit. The intention of improving who you are can start the dopamine flowing. Happiness brain chemicals are Nature’s little inducement to become better. Nature’s grand plan is each generation becomes stronger….

Beginner Surfers Overcome Physical Difficulties

Surfing is physically overwhelming for many beginners and Beginner Surfers Overcome Physical Difficulties. Post pandemic, most people have put on weight and lost strength. Too much confinement and lack of movement creates both conditions. The beginner surfer has to build his whole body. He needs upper body strength best gained with pushups. He needs flexibility…

Fitness is a Lifestyle

Fitness is a Lifestyle that brings happiness and health. Fitness may look like an impossible dream from a sedentary lifestyle. It has to start with the first step and progress from there. The beauty of getting fit is it grows on you. You start to feel better and have better self-esteem. It is a spiritual…

Build Immunity Against Omicron

Build Immunity Against Omicron with good lifestyle habits. Studies show that Omicron has the ability to sometimes defeat vaccinations and previous Covid anti-bodies from infection. It has hundreds of variants, and some have properties others don’t have. “We found (omicron) to be markedly resistant to neutralization by serum not only from convalescent patients, but also…