Can You Have Perfect Health

can you have perfect health

Some wonder if You Can Have Perfect Health. What would perfect health look like? Not ever being sick because your immunity is so strong. Being very fit to enjoy most recreations.

There is more. Having normal weight as per the Body Mass Index. The normal scale on the index is 18 to 24.9. Being at 22 or 23 makes you very lean. You will enjoy the pleasure of feeling light and comfortable in all your clothes.

Your diet would be well balanced, and you would never feel stuffed or bloated or suffer indigestion. This comes from having a healthy gut which you created from eating all healthy foods and taking probiotics.

Your blood sugar levels, blood pressure, hormones, and heart health are all normal and functioning optimally. No worries at the annual doctor checkup

The Practices to Reach Great Health

  1. Exercise 2 hours a day. This may seem impossible for busy people, but the rewards are greater than most other life experiences. This can be a combination of aerobics and weights or just aerobics with some resistance training included during the week.
  2. Drink 100 oz of water. Water fuels your energy and digestion. It is crucial to maintain and/or lose weight. Try for a gallon. No one thing will make you feel better than water.
  3. Restricted Calorie Diet. Restricted diet is necessary for weight loss and maintenance. After dramatic weight loss, the metabolism will be slow for a long time. The restricted calorie diet becomes your lifestyle. This means not gaining weight and maybe continuing to lose weight.
  4. Intermittent Fasting. Fasting is good for your body. You are not starving your body for nutrients; you are just consuming them within a restricted window. Your digestion has more hours to rest and your metabolism more time to repair.
  5. Sleep at Least 7 Hours. Find your perfect cycle. Go to bed at the same approximate time each night and your waking time will also become consistent. Wind down before bedtime. The body repairs during sleep. A lack of sleep creates cortisol which can lead to craving sugar, fats, and alcohol.
  6. Consume a Low Carb Diet. This doesn’t mean exclude fruits and vegetables. It means excluding sugar, white flour, and therefore pastries, pasta, pizza, candy, sodas, and sugary energy drinks. Carbs are sugar and the body sends excess to fat. No system in the body enjoys refined sugar.
  7. Seek Work Life Balance. This means too much work may create stress. When people have passion for their work or causes, it doesn’t seem like work or like they need balance.
  8. Eliminate Addictions. There are all kinds. Food is only one. Addictions throw you out of balance whether it is healthy eating or healthy living.
  9. Reduce or Eliminate Alcohol. The rewards are tremendous. Don’t suffer the social isolation you think it might cause. Moderation is also acceptable, but people who don’t drink enjoy not drinking. The health benefits are innumerable. (stop smoking as well)
  10. Meal Replacement Shakes. They are great for breaking through plateaus in dramatic weight loss efforts. They extend the fasting window. They contain vitamins, minerals, protein, and probiotics you may not consume in a normal calorie restricted diet.
  11. Seek Special Supplements. Find foods supplements you may not consume in a normal diet. Green tea is great and matcha is better. Collagen is superior for nails, hair, skin, and joints. Reishi mushrooms support every system including immunity, blood sugar, the brain, and heart. Flax seed powder is full of nutrients including the Omega-3s for brain health.
  12. Find the Spirituality in Your Venture. Seeking health is aligning with Nature’s intent for you. Find the unity in your existence and your environment. Be grateful for your gift of life and the wonderful vessel you inhabit. Make the biggest contribution possible to your world.

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