The 3 Week Plan is a great process to reach lifestyle goals.

Most people these days would like to lose a little weight and a lot of people would like to lose dramatic weight. At the same time, it is possible to condition our bodies for more recreational opportunities. Losing weight and getting stronger work together create great recreational results.

As an Ace Certified Health Coach, Personal Trainer, and Surf Instructor, plus active exerciser, I am engaged everyday in healthful activities and working with people to get healthier. I personally have just lost 40 pounds to go from 200 pounds past my high school graduating weight of 175 pounds to a new low of 160 pounds.

I challenged myself to reach this new goal for enhancing my athletic abilities and experiencing new health. I know how to do it. My lifestyle includes exercising an hour to over two hours a day, (when not teaching surf lessons in the spring and summer), a restricted calorie diet, mostly Keto practices, and consuming in windows called intermittent fasting. And drinking lots of water.

My weight loss goals were to lose a half to a pound a day. I was successful most of the time except when I hit metabolic resistance which happens with weight loss. Losing dramatic weight is a challenge and there are many ways to win. I endorse programs like my own that may be too restrictive or difficult for many people just beginning and also more lenient programs that allow gradual submersion. It is a lifestyle that one works into. Now for me it is routine, easy, and I never suffer. I feel great.

Getting started is the first step. The process can be started with very simple practices. The idea is not to suffer. The idea is to create good habits and eliminate bad ones. The idea is to get moving if people are sedentary. This should be a lifetime endeavor. It should be fun. It should be challenging. It is an opportunity to develop discipline and set goals that are reached. This becomes a skill set that can be pointed towards any goal in life.

Join me in reaching lifestyle goals. I will help you with guidance, counseling, encouragement, accountability, and becoming lean and fit.