5 Difficulties of Losing Weight

lose weight get fit

Battling the 5 Difficulties of Losing Weight are important to achieve success. Most people only think about the need to restrict calories and they already have formed resistance.

Losing weight is difficult because the body is not predisposed to lose weight. The metabolism needs energy to make the body function and it jealously guards against calorie restriction.

Five Difficulties People Face in Losing Weight:

  1. Getting Started
  2. Staying Disciplined
  3. Fighting Suffering
  4. Patience
  5. Motivating Goal

Getting started is difficult because people don’t want to deny themselves what they like. Most people have a few additions and by definition they feel they can’t live without them. There are ways to work with addictions and not everything has to be denied to lose weight.

Staying disciplined is extremely difficult as the mind wants to sabotage all efforts at the beginning. After a while, the mind signs onto the program and starts warning against violating it. Then there is the social phenomena of parties and family get togethers. Finally, too much suffering results in binging.

Gaining results without suffering is important. Trying to lose too much too fast will lead to binging and jumping ship. It is important to restrict calories in a slow but progressing manner. The body adjusts and soon cravings disappear. Then there is very little suffering.

Patience is needed to follow a plan and accept the results. Most diets work if you stick to them. As one adapts to stricter routines, stricter routines become easier. Soon the program becomes one’s lifestyle and the potential is envisioned.

Having a strong goal that is sufficiently motivating during the tough times is crucial. If our goal is a whim, we will have no commitment. Life or death is a good goal. People recovering from a disease or event might have motivation to get healthy.

the 5 difficulties of losing weight

Forming the Right Habits

Good practices can be habit forming. In fact, when the mind and body begin to appreciate the rewards of healthy routines, they can become addictive. Health doesn’t have downsides. Getting lean, getting strong, and aerobically fit are rewarding in themselves.

People do become addicted to living healthy. I have always tried to eat the best foods and think that I continuously progress. I have always enjoyed exercise and hate to miss a day. I like the feeling of lightness and capability. I have better self-esteem from living a healthy life.

My book The 3 Week Plan is a perfect start to lose weight and get fit. It begins the routines that can become like muscle memory in our daily patterns. We naturally start to be attracted to certain foods and have no issues avoiding the harmful ones.

I can also coach people wanting to get started and I have a partnership with PerfectBody.me to provide daily meal plans for those who have a weight target. As a Personal Trainer and Health Coach my goal is get people to be self-monitoring. At a point after following the right routines, a person no longer needs to be supervised.

See the Home Page for Healthy Fun Products that work on any diet.

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