18 Ways to Lose Weight

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Following the 18 Ways to Lose Weight is a good New Year’s Resolution to have an exciting 2022 with a new fit body. There is more than just restricting calories to have a successful weight loss program.

Losing weight changes the energy you consume and how your body utilizes that energy. It takes more than a negative calorie balance to lose weight and maintain that loss after you have reached your target.

  1. Start thinking about consuming fewer calories than you burn. A pound is 3,500 calories. How can you consume 500 calories less a day and exercise to burn an extra 500 calories (about an hour of most types of aerobics)
  2. Consume a Low Carbohydrate Diet. Carbohydrates are sugars. They are in fruits and vegetables which are good carbs. They are in pasta, pizza, beer, pastries, desserts, sodas, and energy drinks which are the bad carbs.
  3. Eliminate addictions. These are the go-to meals, snacks, pick-me-ups we crave. We consume them during the day when we are tired, after dinner, when we are hungry, and often when we are not hungry. Use a substitute that might be just as bad but to break the addiction.
  4. Drink at least half your body weight in water ounces (a 200-pound person drinks 100 oz a day). Shoot for 100 oz and then a gallon (128 ounces). It is difficult to lose weight without enough water.
  5. Start intermittent fasting. Create an eating window. 8 hours is a good start. Breakfast at 8:30, Lunch at Noon, and Dinner at 4:30. This is a 16-hour window for the digestion and metabolism to rest. Weight-lifters and athletes attest to the positive results.
  6. Have a healthy meal replacement smoothy. If you have it for breakfast, it extends the intermittent fast to 19 hours. It will also provide a lot of nutrients you won’t consume in a limited calorie diet. It will also help you break through the weight loss plateaus you will reach.
  7. Only eat when hungry. One of the problems with weight gain is non-stop mindless eating. Eating whatever is in front of you or available. Eating from emotional or boredom triggers.
  8. Only eat what you like. Weight gain is supported by eating anything whether you like it or not. Start planning to eat what you want and you may start consuming less.
  9. Weigh yourself every morning. If you gain weight, consider your previous day’s diet and whether you drank enough water. Then plan to do better today.
  10. Be alert for inflammatory foods. They will cause weight gain regardless of the calories. If your diet is the same, but you added one small thing and gained two pounds, your body doesn’t like it. Your body will suck up water into its tissues in defense. If you gain weight, you might be eating an inflammatory food.
  11. Sleep an adequate amount at 7 to 9 hours. Inadequate sleeps raises cortisol which will increase your cravings for sugar, fats, alcohol, and mindless eating.
  12. Avoid beer. It is the most sugar laden alcohol. Hard liquor has fewer sugars, but try to limit alcohol consumption. It often leads to late night eating.
  13. Consume moderate amounts of dairy and nuts. They are both healthy, but contain fats. The best dairy foods are non-fat milk, grass fed butter, and sugar free yogurt. Nuts have protein, fiber, vitamins, and fat. A few every day is perfect.
  14. Eat more protein. It can be animal or plant. Protein speeds up the metabolism for digestion. Digestion consumes a lot of energy from the metabolism and can burn unwanted calories.
  15. Get daily exercise. Exercise forces the muscles to absorb glucose. Glucose is converted by the liver from carbohydrates. Absorbing glucose keeps it from being stored as fat.
  16. Train the body to burn fat. This is a favorite of weigh-lifters and athletes. Long moderate intensity aerobics or training burns through the carbohydrates and forces muscle to seek fat for fuel. This is complementary to low carb diets, intermittent fasting, and meal replacement smoothies.
  17. Eat real foods and eliminate more packages. Read ingredients. Avoid added sugars and sodium. Avoid foods cooked in oils used by restaurants. Seek olive, coconut oils and grass-fed butter.
  18. Don’t over-eat fruits and vegetables. The body carries about 900 calories of glucose from carbohydrates and pushes the balance to fat stores.

Thank you Dr Andreaas Eenfeldt MD for some of ideas.

This list should give you some goals. There are a few other things to watch. Insulin resistance is a metabolical disorder that leads to and is a result of diabetes or high blood sugar. It causes cells to reject insulin so glucose cannot be absorbed. This forces the pancreas to over produce insulin and kills the pancreas’s Beta cells at some point. Then you have to inject insulin. The precursor is a big waist-line, for one. If you are overweight, be sure the doctor is checking your blood sugar, triglicerides, cholesterol, and blood pressure.

Hormone imbalance can affect weight. If the thyroid is imbalanced, hormones might create uncontrollable weight gain. Hormones cause hunger and satiety. It is important these are normal for us to have a successful weight loss program.

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